Drama ensued on Baba TV’s “Kibuyaga mukibuga” show this morning after
presidential adviser Jennifer Nakanguubi aka full figure attempted to fight music promoter Andrew Mukasa better known as Bajjo live on set.
The motor-mouthed singer who allegedly showed up on the show (which airs every Wednesday from 9am -11am) uninvited accused Bajjo of attacking president Museveni.
Bajjo, a people power diehard had been invited on the show to discuss why Ugandan youths keep jumping from one political party to another.
Calm was later restored by the program host Basajja Mivule after
allowing the two to sit on the same table and discuss the topic.
Full figure has been at loggerheads with Bajjo for some time now.
In April this year, Bajjo sued full figure for uttering defamatory
statements against him.
Full figure while appearing on a local television alleged that Bajjo sired a child with her and abandoned
her. The musician also alleged that Bajjo is already sick and that if
hunger doesn’t kill him, sickness will.